Utku Kılınç, from 2004 until now, respectively, he served as the Director of Izmir Bar Association Human Rights Law and Legal Research Center, as the Director of Izmir Bar Association, as a legal advisor under the scope of International Commercial Contracts, General Manager of a public company and finally as a legal advisor in public sector. He took part in the translation of many publications in the field of law into Turkish. (1. Turkish Translation of “Manual on human rights and the environment” Principles emerging from the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights” (2006) Çevre ve İnsan Hakları Üzerine El Kitabı – Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi İçtihatlarının Ortaya Koyduğu Prensipler) Council of Europe Publishing, was published in January 2009 by the Contemporary Jurists Association of Turkey. The book was translated into Turkish by Serkan Cengiz and Utku Kılınç.), 2. Turkish Translation of “Short Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights” The book, written by Donna Gomien and published by Council of Europe, was published in August 2008 by Izmir Bar Association in 2007. The book was translated into Turkish by Serkan Cengiz and Utku Kılınç.) He worked as an educator, director and counsellor in many national and international projects, including the Council of Europe and the European Union(The Role of Jurists on Prevention of Torture, Izmir Bar Association & Council of Europe; Training Seminars on ECHR Judgements for Turkish Lawyers, Aegean Lawyers, Eastern Mediterranean Lawyers, Human Rights Agenda & UK Embassy, Seminars on Refugee Law for Lawyers and Activists, POT-A etc.)