This workshop is a practical continuation of part 1. This workshop specifically targets to provide basic methods and tools of digital storytelling for the ones who have not experienced it before.
During this digital storytelling workshop, we will try to storify and visualise a topic that you will be choosing by following 7 steps of digital storytelling and with the help of the tools of digital storytelling (basically audio, video and texts). We will make use of the objects around us. You can choose anything available around you which you think will help to visualise your story. You do not need to bring professional equipment. But if you have some, you are more than welcome.
Zeynep Merve Uygun is a documentary filmmaker and scholar. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication and Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Özyeğin University in Turkey. Her research interests include new media documentaries (interactive documentary, digital storytelling, web documentaries), storification and visualisation of data, and visual representation of body and space in documentary film.