This is a story of the ten years’ experience of Independent Election Observation in Turkey. The story will not tell you what happened in Turkey regarding elections in last ten years but tell you the story of democracy and civil society in Turkey. Since 2004, Seda Alp have been working for international human rights and… Continue reading Listen: Independent Election Observation for Our Rights
Track: Agora 2
Listen: Election monitoring and electoral geography
Ayşenur Kılıç will present her research on election monitoring organizations in the scope of Turkey’s electoral geography. Media consumption behaviors, trust in democracy, trust in electoral integrity, and patterns of Turkey’s electoral geography are among the titles she will talk about. She will also share the field experience and structural limitations of conducting research in… Continue reading Listen: Election monitoring and electoral geography
Sunday: Sunrise
Saturday: Sunrise
Friday: Pre-talks for early birds
Try: Foresight, creating scenarios
Join me and try some of the tools from the tool box of “Forsight”. Forsight is a method kit first developed in the 70s but that has generated an upswing lately. We can not for-see the future but we can create some likely scenarios and actively think about what different strategies would be most fruitful… Continue reading Try: Foresight, creating scenarios