Quiz: Media and the Black Sea

Who knows most about media history and the current situation about media in the Black Sea region. For example how many journalist are in Turkish jails right now?

Listen: Building a TV channel

Mert Ali is 21 years old Istanbul based student of molecular biology and genetics at Boğaziçi University. Due to external factors Mert Ali suddenly found himself joining a recently formed online TV-channel with some friends and got national reach. Right now he is an intern at dokuz8HABER to learn more about rights based journalism. Mert… Continue reading Listen: Building a TV channel

Listen: AI and election observation

How can AI and other digital tools support us the people to get free and fair elections where we know that it is a one person, one vote election? Roman Udot is an elections expert who have been monitoring elections primarily in Russia but also all over the Euroasian continent.